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This summer vacation travel activity will occupy children while you’re on your journey as well as decorate your destination with symbols of the season.

Invite your children to design their own flip-flops, and pin them up on a line in your room to make a thrilling vacation bunting. This activity will be exciting for little ones who love to wear flip-flops on all of their tropical adventures!

This travel art can be done in:

  • Cars
  • Planes
  • Trains
  • Hotel rooms

Summer Vacation

What you will need:

  • Printed Summer Flip-Flops template
  • A variety of colored pencils, felt tip markers or crayons
  • Colored gemstones or magazine clippings for decoration – optional
  • Safety scissors, a stiff card and a glue stick
  • A piece of string and pins or tape



  1. Print out the Summer Flip-Flops activity sheet.
  2. Summer VacationPut all drawing materials in a plastic lidded box ready for transporting. Give your children a tray to work on.
  3. Have your child to design their own flip-flops using a variety of colors, patterns or shapes–encourage their creativity!
  4. Use your safety scissors to cut out your designs and glue them onto the stiff card.
  5. Pin onto a string to make a decorative bunting if you have designed several flip-flops; if you only have one, send a flip-flop-shaped postcard back home!




Imagination BoxDiane Pagan graduated from Manchester Polytechnic with a fashion/textiles degree. She is a UK mom who is passionate about creativity, and she set up The Imagination Box to share her treasure trove of ideas and inspire families to bring more art into their lives. Connect with her and get more great ideas at

Pure Wander Contributor

Author Pure Wander Contributor

While the team slowly builds back up post-COVID (and post-two babies!), editorial accepts writers from all over the world to share their love for travel. Contributors include award-winning novelists, travel photojournalists, new grads, retirees, and fellow content creators/bloggers. Some of these posts are also from trusted clients who provide content in exchange for promotion.

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