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weaving-postcard1Travel activities for kids will keep kids occupied and engaged, so try this one! The repetitive action of weaving can be soothing and meditative. Children will enjoy selecting different colors and textures of yarns to weave in and out, like a simple ’running stitch’. The finished samples make great mini wall hangings or bookmarks and can be used on the front of greeting cards.

This travel art can be done in:
Hotel rooms


What you will need:

  • Collect a selection of colorful yarns and narrow ribbons. Pre-cut them all to a length of 20 centimeters or so and put them in a plastic lidded box ready to use.
  • Foam paper, mesh paper, or some other kind of sturdy paper material

Note: Google ‘foam paper packs’ and ‘sequin mesh paper’ to source these materials online. EBay often sells bundles of sample lengths of different yarns. This will save you buying big balls of each.



  1. An adult should precut slits, 1 centimeter apart into the foam paper ready for the child to weave
  2. Set your child up with a tray and all materials
  3. Show them how to weave the ribbon in and out, like a simple ‘running stitch’
  4. They may wish to experiment and do it their own way which is great!


square-logoDiane Pagan is graduated from Manchester Polytechnic with a fashion/textiles degree. She is a UK mom who passionate about creativity, and she set up The Imagination Box to share her treasure trove of ideas and inspire families to bring more art into their lives. Connect with her and get more great ideas at

Pure Wander Contributor

Author Pure Wander Contributor

While the team slowly builds back up post-COVID (and post-two babies!), editorial accepts writers from all over the world to share their love for travel. Contributors include award-winning novelists, travel photojournalists, new grads, retirees, and fellow content creators/bloggers. Some of these posts are also from trusted clients who provide content in exchange for promotion.

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