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2015 Traveling Baby Gift Guide

By November 9, 2015August 29th, 20249 Comments

2015 Traveling Baby Gift GuideWhat happens every holiday season? New moms get all the baby items! No one buys a stroller organizer or a bottle brush for dad. This traveling momma has got to be honest with you, nothing is more disappointing for mom than getting a baby-related item for the holidays. Would it be too hard to get me a good book, a glass of wine or a spa appointment instead? I deserve it, and so do all new moms. Take note dads and grandparents and anyone else shopping for a new momma: moms will spend their own money buying things for their babies, when it comes to holidays, get something special for her like a travel mug (woman needs coffee!) or a fabulous dessert maker. Give baby-related gifts to the baby. She already has way more toys than she needs anyway, and these travel gifts are going to come in super handy on your next family vacation.

Hello, World City Books

Reading to young children is seriously important for their development, so why not read to them about your favorite travel destinations and get them to catch the travel big early in life? Ashley Evanson offers a stellar board book series for the littles called Hello, World. The New York book concentrates on learning about colors in the city. When you read about Paris to your baby, she will have the opportunity to identify shapes in that beautiful city. The book on jolly old London explores opposites, and the San Francisco book explores numbers. This gift gives you the opportunity to teach your baby important concepts and introduce them to your passion all at the same time.

In Flight Safety Harness

I’ll be honest with you, traveling with a car seat is a serious pain in the ass. The Federal Aviation Administration, however, recommends that your baby fly in a car seat. What’s a caring parent to do? Get your nugget this flight safety harness from Baby B’Air for the holidays, that’s what. You and your baby can stay safely in your seats while wearing this comfortable, FAA-tested garment.

Cloud B Sleep Sheep for babies Sound Machine Sleep Sheep

What’s cute and cuddly and will lull your baby into sweet, blissful sleep? This sheep, that’s what! Cloud B makes some pretty cool products, but this one is especially helpful for the traveling baby. It can attach to your car seat or stroller—which is great—but what we love most about this special sheep is the noises that it makes. Soft, soothing sounds will become valuable to your child at home, and once you are on the road, you will find it invaluable to keeping your little one calm and comforted. As an added bonus, the outer shell comes off easily for washing. As an added, added bonus, there are sound controls to which allow baby to be soothed while keeping you and your fellow travelers sane.

Travel Drying Rack & Brush

If your baby gets her milk (breast or formula, we support all you mommas!) from a bottle, this is going to be the most important thing you purchase this year. Seriously. A hot water rinse to wash out a bottle after a day of travel just won’t do. Whether you are on a plane, at the zoo, or traversing the cobblestone walkways in a little town in Italy, you need to get those bottles clean, stat. (Nothing is more nasty than curdled milk.) Scrub out those suckers in the bathroom on the plane or back at your hotel with this handy little kit that will fit in your diaper bag without sucking up space. Your baby (and you!) needs this in her stocking, for real.

Teething Necklace For Mom

This teething necklace is a fashionable item for mom that baby can enjoy too. If you’ve ever met an infant—and we’re sure you have—they love to grab mom’s necklace, earrings, bracelet or whatever is nearby, shiny and not supposed to be touched, so give them something they CAN chew on without consequence. A teething necklace is ideal for a baby on a plane because it gives her the opportunity to comfort herself by chewing and combat her popping ears by swallowing. Plus, when you wear it you’ll look hip. You’re welcome.

Too many people are scared to become parents because it’s going to affect their travel schedule. Guess what? Your adventures don’t need to end when baby comes. In fact, having kids will expand YOUR view of traveling in ways you had never imagined possible. When this holiday comes around, you can treat your baby to some fabulous gifts that will make traveling a better experience for you both. Which of our suggestions will you be buying for baby this year?

Eileen Cotter Wright

Author Eileen Cotter Wright

Eileen Cotter is a freelance travel journalist and owner of Pure Wander. She's our resident expat extraordinaire and falls down a lot in yoga class. Follow her on Instagram @Pure_Wander.

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