Let it goooo!!!! Let it gooo!!!! Sorry, I didn’t see you there. I’m that mom who sings Frozen songs in her car when the kids aren’t even around, well, because Frozen is just awesome. How could you not be enthralled by the story of the deep bond and love between sisters?
Disney stories actually have a lot to teach us, and Frozen is one of the stories that we will be talking about for years to come. As a traveler, I found that Anna and Elsa, despite their many faults, had a great deal to teach me about family travel.
1. Always Dress For The Weather
Poor Anna. In the morning it was a stunning spring day, and by dinnertime the landscape was covered in a fresh blanket of snow. Some destinations boast pretty even weather and others have completely unpredictable climate changes. Apparently Arendelle was one of the second kind.
This adorable little redhead valiantly traverses a blizzard in search of her beloved sister—all in a dress with short sleeves and a cape. Better be prepared next time, dear.
2. Freeze It All
Everyone talks about how we need to calm down and take a step back from the camera. I refuse wholeheartedly.
I love traveling with my significant other and my little ones; the only way to freeze those precious moments we experience on family vacation is to take pictures., and I won’t apologize.
Contrary to popular opinion, it doesn’t diminish my experience at all. Elsa had it right when she froze it all.
3. Don’t Piss Off The Inn keeper
I adore Christoff, but his bad attitude in the Oaken Sauna was completely unwarranted. Lots of travelers have a bad attitude because they think it will help them get what they want. When you truly need something, whether it be a towel or complimentary night’s stay, you are way better off with a little sweet talk. Flattery gets you everywhere.
4. Trust The Experts
When Anna went to go see the “love experts” with Kristoff, she was not in the mood to get married. Yet, they knew that Anna and Kristoff were destined to be with each other. What have I learned from this? Always trust the experts.
Travel sites can be misleading, yet shiny and enticing at the same time. The bloggers out there who have actually had the first hand experience, however, they know what’s up, and I’ve learned to trust their firsthandexperiences when I book my own travel.
5. Some Destinations Are Worth Melting For
I’ll admit it, I hate the heat. I do love the outdoors, but once the temps reach the upper 80s, I prefer to be somewhere with a stellar air conditioning system. There are, however, some destinations that are worth melting for.
On the flip side, there are some destinations worth freezing for. Don’t be afraid to travel outside of your comfort zone.
6. Let It Go Ya’ll
Traveling with kids is hard. Even though I wouldn’t want to travel any other way, I will freely admit that it isn’t a simple task for anyone to tackle. The best thing any of us parents can do is to follow Elsa’s lead and let it go.
Got puked on? It’s ok, there’s a hot shower and fresh clothing at the hotel.
Does your little one refuse to eat anything but french fries at the restaurant you’ve been dreaming of eating at since you first acquired some serious taste? Whatever, your meal is delicious.
Has complete naptime meltdown happened when you are nearing the end of the museum you’ve been dying to visit? It’s cool, the people in there needed some live entertainment anyways.
When you travel with kids, you can’t sweat the small stuff. It’s that simple. Not every aspect of your family vacation is going to be perfect, but those mishaps do make the best memories. (Just trust me on this one.)
7. Adventure Isn’t As Fun Without Family
Yes, Anna could have roughed the North Mountain for fun as a weekend getaway, but it wouldn’t have held the same allure as it did when she set out to save her sister with the hunky (yet lovably goofy) Kristoff. Having new experiences with the people you love makes those experiences so much better!
Family travel for the win.
Clever use of a frozen theme–I applaud your creativity!
Thanks! We’ve officially seen the movie about a hundred thousand times now, and I think that there’s some good stuff in there