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Review: Deuter Kid Comfort III

By November 2, 2013September 11th, 20242 Comments

kis in Deuter Kid Comfort III in ThailandThe Deuter Kid Comfort III has been an invaluable asset to my family during our world travels. We bought this carrier before we moved from the United States to Thailand with the thought of hiking through forests or climbing the Great Wall of China. In addition to of all of those big exciting trips, we have actually been able to use this carrier on the easier and smaller trips around Thailand as well.   To get our son used to the idea of being in a child carrier we would take him for walks around our neighborhood back in the States, hiking at our local park or just walking around town instead of using the stroller.  In getting our son accustomed to the carrier early on before our world travels began, he would actually beg to be put into the carrier and taken out for a walk if he saw it in the garage. He loves the ability to see over his dads head to explore the world around him, which I am sure is a much better view than always sitting in the stroller. On our travels, we use the two side pockets located at the top, where our son can reach for a small toy or his juice cup. Depending on where we are traveling to, we use the bottom pocket to store diapers, wipes, snacks and recently we packed all of his sand toys, a bucket and sunscreen to play at the beach. There is another pocket, which we use to hide a paci and an iPhone in the event of a toddler meltdown.

kid in Deuter Kid Comfort IIIGlobal family trekking

My husband is normally the one carrying our son on our adventures, simply for the fact that I can have quicker access to our son if needed. He has found this backpack to be extremely stable, with most of the weight carried on his hips instead of his shoulders. In the heat of summer in Thailand, although my husband and my son are sweaty from carrying and riding in the carrier, they do appreciate that the fabrics and materials used are breathable, making the heat a little more bearable. Surprisingly, the carrier does not smell after a long day of exploring. The built in sun shade/rain cover has been a lifesaver for our son because Thailand can have some very hot days where the sun is constantly beating down followed by rain that can last for hours.

Special Deuter Kid Comfort features

Since Thailand is extremely hot most of the year and the heat can lead to dehydration, we were sure to purchase a 100 fluid ounce water bladder that can be inserted into an interior pocket. We never leave home without the water bladder when using the carrier. Everyone in the family can drink out of it with the mouthpiece, which reaches back to our son in the seat if needed. The last feature that has been very useful on our travels is the kickstand. When we have to take a ride in a tuk tuk, a bus or a longtail boat while island hopping, my husband will set our son on the floor and the kickstand will hold the carrier in place while our son is still sitting safely—sometimes he is so comfortable he will fall asleep!

This isn’t a Baby Bjorn or Ergo carrier, this is meant to be a comfortable and safe seat for your child to enjoy the view of the world from on top of his parents shoulders. It is the only Deuter model with a role cage to ensure your child’s safety if you were to take a fall, the main reason I decided on this model. One of the other reasons I decided on this model is because of the maximum weight of 48.5 pounds, which means my family will be using this carrier for a few more years of exploring. I highly recommend this product if you are in the market for a more substantial child carrier, which can be used on your travels around the world or on a nice quiet hike in your own backyard.

Becky Horace is an expat living in Thailand, mom and world traveler. Follow her on Twitter at @BeckyHorace

Pure Wander Contributor

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