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Review: Paper Shower

By April 12, 2015September 11th, 20247 Comments

Pure Wander editor reviews Paper ShowerWhile meeting new people and businesses through Pure Wander on Twitter, I came across Paper Shower®. The wet and dry wipe they provide is designed for “when you just need to freshen up when soap and water is not available”. Their product seemed simple yet essential, and the soap and water part brought to mind a time not too long ago that I camped on the beach with the men in my life and was in desperate need of a body cleansing solution for an entire humid, sandy weekend.

No new trips were in the works as my family settled into a brand new school year. However, I decided to make an attempt to lose some of my evil baby weight—my son is four years old, so it’s long, long overdue. I recently added running to my work out routine, which gave me the perfect excuse to give Paper Shower® a go.

Great for the whole family

The first person in my family to try the product was my husband. His workouts can get particularly intense, and while Paper Shower® did a good job wiping away the post workout sweat, it didn’t eliminate the odor. My experience was a little different. After my run, the wet towelette felt great on my skin, and I was left with a cool, clean tingly feeling, which was much appreciated after what I considered to be a grueling run. (No one else would think so!)

The packaging states that is great for bicyclists, runners, campers, travelers, hikers, boaters, commuters, golfers, picnics, beaches, playgrounds and motorcyclists; we decided that our Paper Shower® was best utilized in the car while we travel with our four year old. Let’s face it—when you are in the car for more than 20 or 30 minutes with a little person, snacks and juice and markers and the like are very necessary, and also necessary is a convenient way to clean them up. This turned out to be the perfect solution for our family adventures.

The best specs

The Paper Shower® is unique in that it is highly saturated with soap and water, unlike regular wet wipes that are heavily alcohol based and may not be the best option for a child’s skin. In addition to that, it offers you a dry towelette to wipe yourself or your child dry. The large 10”x12” towelettes were very durable and could be used by my son several times over the course of a day—which they were. Whether my son got a sticky lollipop at the bank or fell asleep on a road trip and dripped apple juice on his legs, Paper Shower® proved to be exactly what my family of wanderers needed on the road.

You can find more information about this product here, and you can purchase one of their three packs directly through Amazon for anywhere between $5.95 – $10.95 depending on the size and number your family needs.

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Shauna Armitage

Author Shauna Armitage

Shauna Armitage is a military spouse, mother of four, lover of Coca-Cola, and host of the Startup Renegades podcast, a raw conversation with powerhouse founders building amazing businesses. While Shauna is a marketer by trade, she is a traveler by choice and loves to explore the world with her family in tow. Connect with her on Instagram @shaunajarmitage

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