Let’s take a break from the big travel itineraries and have some fun. We all know trips can be the good, the bad and the ugly: so when all goes wrong, all you can do is laugh, right? We’ve trolled the internet and found some of our favorite memes that make us have a giggle.
The Lord of the Rings! Hobbits! Huzzah! This honestly is barely a meme in itself but it’s still one of the ones I always think of when traveling. And if you really don’t like this one, don’t fret. Today, you can find a meme template for almost any message you want to convey.
This guy, right? What a jerk. The armrest debate is still a hot topic though. I tend to think you get access to those armrests if you’re stuck in the middle actually. I mean, where are your arms supposed to go?!

Next to traveling, the movie Elf is my favorite. So this meme is a win-win for me. Is traveling YOUR favorite? Tell us!
I have a little gremlin now who flies and I feel for the other passengers, I really do. Sorry! But this one is also inaccurate: babies tend to do pretty well n the flight itself, but their sensitive ears have a tough time with the pressure changes during landing.
Listen, I say if you’re a tourist, embrace it! It’s fine to want to see the sites, just don’t be too obnoxious about it. Think about leaving that selfie stick at home.